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Bloodborne Pathogens: Clean Up

  • Call the custodian to clean up blood or body fluid spills.
  • All garments penetrated by blood will be removed as soon as feasible and placed in a plastic bag until they can be cleansed.
  • All PPE will be cleansed, laundered or disposed of by the employer at no cost to the employee.
  • Clean contaminated surfaces by first removing visible blood, then disinfect with Virustat 128 (available through your school custodian) or a solution of 1 part household bleach to 10 parts cool water for at least 10 minutes. This solution must be less than 24 hours old.
  • Reusable items will be sanitized using Virustat 128 or 1:10 bleach/water solution or equivalent.
  • Red plastic bags that are leak proof are provided to collect bloody waste which is liquid or semi-liquid. When used, these bags will be tied in a knot at the top then disposed of in a biomedical waste box provided by the district’s garbage service. Red plastic bags containing bloody waste should not go in the regular garbage.
  • Items such as tissues, tampons etc. with dried bloody or potentially infectious waste must be double bagged and placed in the regular garbage.


cleaning products