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Reporting an Auto Accident

  1. Employees and volunteers in private or District vehicles, REPORT ANY incident immediately to Risk Management Services (541-790-7673) whether a claim is to be filed or not.
  2. In addition, the driver (employees and volunteers), must REPORT ANY incident involving 4J vehicles, including rental vehicles, immediately to his/her supervisor and to the 4J Transportation office at (541) 790-7673. Failure to report an accident is a serious violation of the 4J Vehicle Accident policy.
  3. Fill out an Accident Information Form personally within 24 hours of the accident at the Transportation Department (1938 W. 8th, (541) 790-7474. This form must be filled out by all drivers for any accidents that occur in District-owned, personal or leased vehicles. (If the accident occurred in a District vehicle, there will be an Accident Information Form in the glove compartment.)
  4. Additional forms for school bus and activity van accidents that involve the transportation of students:
    Pupil Transporting Vehicle Accident Report-Oregon Department of Education

If the accident involves more than $2,500 in damages, the above Department of Education form and a DMV report has to be filled out:
Oregon Traffic Accident and Insurance – Department of Motor Vehicles

Coverages are affected by who is responsible for causing the accident. Contact Risk Management Services for more information about this issue.