Be prepared and know what to do when winter weather comes!
The district will inform local news media, send a text message to staff and parents, send an email to staff, and post information on the district website, Facebook and Instagram before 6:30 a.m.
The first notice of a closure or delay will normally be via text alerts and school closure listings in news media, but the best source for detailed information is the staff email and the district website, where we are more able to ensure complete and accurate messages.
If you are not receiving text messages:
In making decisions about school closures, our main concern is the safety and welfare of our students and staff. We also believe students and families are best served when schools are open. We will always do our best to make the best decision possible, taking into account all of the factors.
In general, all schools will operate if the Transportation Department is able to operate buses safely on all its regular routes or on its snow routes. All schools will be closed for students if the Transportation Department cannot operate its snow routes.
When a weather-related school closure is warranted, we cancel the school day for students at all schools (rather than opening some and closing others) because of the mobility of our staff and students and to avoid confusion within the community. The rare exception is a local issue at a specific building, in which case the school day may be canceled for students at that individual school.
We generally avoid delayed starts and early dismissal due to weather, although it is possible that unpredictable or sudden weather conditions will require such a decision to be made.
On days when hazardous weather is a concern, the district may cancel school for students, or—more rarely—may close all schools and offices, delay the school day, end school early, or close individual schools due to a building problem.
The following general rules will be used to determine which staff members are to report to work. Unusual circumstances may cause an adjustment in these guidelines.
At any time, if employees who are required to work believe they cannot safely report, they should notify their supervisor and use the leave provisions outlined in their employment agreement.
Regular Hazardous Weather Day
A regular hazardous weather day will be announced to media as “Schools closed, offices open.”
Extreme Weather Day
On occasion, when there are extreme weather circumstances, the day may be designated an extreme weather day. This will be announced to media as “Schools closed, only emergency staff report.”
Delayed Start
Rarely, the start of the school day may be delayed due to inclement weather. This will normally be a “2-hour delay.” School will start two hours late and end at the regular dismissal time. If a delay occurs on an early release Friday, school will still be dismissed at the Friday early release time.
Early Closure
Very rarely, it may be necessary to close schools before regular dismissal times because of deteriorating weather conditions or other events. School administrators will be notified with specific closure times. Students will remain in the shelter and supervision of the school until approved district or personal transportation arrives to take them home. When schools are closed early, all afternoon and evening activities will be canceled.
School Building System Failure
Also very rarely, an individual school building’s system may fail and make the school untenable for instruction.
When classes are canceled because of hazardous weather conditions, the superintendent or designee will make a decision regarding all activities and night use of buildings by school and non-school groups by noon. That decision will be communicated through the same notification procedures as a school closure.
Ordinarily, when schools are closed for school activities, they are also closed for community-sponsored events that occur in schools (e.g., after-school childcare, school enrichment programs, youth sports activities, and routine rentals). Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis with the approval of the superintendent or designee.
School closure days due to hazardous weather may be made up during the school year or on makeup days added at the end of the normal school year.