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Eugene School District 4J

Equity. Excellence. Innovation.

Nutrition Education Resources


Explore the world of nutrition through fun activities, puzzles, and scientific inquiry. You can learn about healthy eating habits, food safety, nutrition information, and much more!  Have fun exploring!



Partnership for Food Safety Education


Parents play a critical role in shaping lifestyles for learning and serve as role models to their children. A number of health, wellness, and nutrition resources are available to help parents adopt active lifestyles and model healthy behaviors.


Food Allergy Research and Education

Nemours Foundation

Partnership for Food Safety Education

Oregon Health Authority

American Diabetes Association

Bright Futures – American Academy of Pediatrics

Oregon WIC

Healthy School


Teachers want to promote peak performance by encouraging students to eat well. They want to share with students the joy of good food and good health. Please feel free to explore these resources as a starting point.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Partnership for Food Safety Education

Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation

Oregon Dairy Council

Action for Healthy Kids

Healthy School